I’ve always found inspiring watching pro riders at big races and it made me ride more and train harder – for a while, at least. Last week I spent five days with six of my work colleagues and those five days were just as inspiring for me as any of the grand tours. They rode over 200 kilometers every day at pace that I would never be able to hold for even 50 or 60 kilometers.
Dom was my favourite, he is a freak of nature – in a good sense. His average heart rate never climbed above 110, even though he did the longest pulls in front of the group.
While they were working hard and spent 6-7 hours in the saddle, I was sitting in the van with our enthusiastic soigneur, Ian, who did all the driving/feeding, anything and everything to make our lives easier. It’s been a long and intense week and it inspired me to get back on the bike and ride more. Can’t wait for my knee to be fixed now!