So it is over. Today I felt overly excited and deeply sad at the same time. Up until yesterday, I had been living in this bubble, going to cyclocross races every weekend, taking pictures of the best riders of the world week in, week out. And now all that came to an end. When it started, the end looked so far away and yet it arrived pretty soon.

Also, it’s not just the races – it’s the people, too. I’ve met too many people to mention them all here, I have made new friends and became better friends with some others. I had always been greeted with love and kindness and these friendships made the whole thing much, much easier and a lot more fun. So I’m sad that it had to come to an end or for at least seven months.
On the other hand, I’m excited to get back to a normal routine. In the last five months I have had 9 days off, other than that I was either working at my day job or I was away somewhere in Belgium, shooting cross. I can’t remember the last time I had two consecutive days off, when I watched a film at a cinema or went out for a couple of drinks on a Saturday evening. I’m really looking forward to do all the things I normally do, what normal people normally do.
But it’s been amazing and it’s not yet over as I’ve got a book to finish, but more on that a bit later. I’ve got around 30 000 photos to go through and pick the very best of them for the book but I’m also planning to look back on the season, pull together some key moments whether they were dramatic, poignant or funny. Because there was plenty of them. It was quite a journey – and there is more to come.