When I started to think about this year’s book, I wanted to make it a bit more interesting – having 28 races in it, one after another, there has to be something that breaks it up a bit, something, that’s different. And I thought that that special thing could be a behind-the-scenes feature on riders, crew, supporters, etc. Bart Wellens has always been one of my favourite riders, so I got in touch with him through the ever so helpful Nancy Van Peer and he agreed for me to follow him for a day. Splendid!
I decided that one of the Fidea Classics race would be the best as they weren’t part of my original plan, so it would be easier to focus on just Bart during the day. But then I didn’t hear back from Bart for a couple of weeks and I kind of gave up on the idea – so I was nicely surprised last night when Nancy notified me that Bart was expecting me to meet him today. Great news. I got to Leuven pretty early and knocked on Bart’s camper van’s door as soon as they got there. It was a great day, it turned out that Bart is a extremely nice guy, he’s got a lovely family and it was interesting to see how a pro rider prepares for a big race. What you will find below is only a couple of photos, you’ll have to wait to see the full story in the book in March (more on that later)!